Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Curb Appeal

Ever since we moved in, we've wanted to enhance our house's "curb appeal."  As part of the addition, we're (a) doing a front porch make-over; and (b) having the whole house painted. I think this will be a huge step forward for our curb appeal. Eventually, we'd also like the get a new front door that has sort of a craftsman feel to it, but we're hemorrhaging money now so that may be a ways down the road. 

The front porch had a weird lip mid-way through the top landing which made for a major tripping hazard (which my mother lovingly pointed out every day she came over). So, our first ask was to eliminate the lip. Secondly, there were some ugly terra cotta tiles that had some significant weather damage overtime. Every time I swept the front landing, the tiles would further chip. It was just ugly. So, we opted for a blue stone that would cover the ugly tiles and Steven suggested building up a small platform underneath that would eliminate the weird trip-hazard lip.

The make-over began yesterday. Sneak peak... (ignore all of the scary signage on the door!... lead paint zone, do not enter, etc.).

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